Home / 5 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Stick To

Since we’ve started the new year, there’s so much pressure to make drastic changes to your life but these aren’t always feasible. It’s important to remember that you can choose to create a new habit anytime you like, not just at the start of a new year! Here are some low-pressure, rewarding resolutions to help you feel more productive, happy and relaxed in 2023.
Practice Mindfulness
Meditation comes in many different forms. Whether you want to sit cross-legged for an hour or put your phone away and go for a lovely seaside walk, practising mindfulness is bound to help your mental wellbeing this year.

Set a Reading Goal
Whether it’s a book a week, or ten pages before bed, reading is an amazing source of education and relaxation. Once you find a genre that tickles your fancy, why not immerse yourself in a story. Plus, it’s the perfect way to banish those January blues.
Cook Something New Each Week
Not only is cooking therapeutic, you get a delicious meal at the end of it – result! If you’re lacking inspiration, take a look at the recipe section of our blog or our magalogue in the ‘Be Inspired’ section on our website.

Boost your Immune System
Getting into a routine that benefits your health is one of the best things you’ll do in 2023. Start by taking a multivitamin in the morning or bring an orange with you to work. Stepping out for some sunshine on your lunchbreak will not only give you a break from your screen, but will offer a source of Vitamin D.
Join a Club
Have you considered starting a new hobby or trying something you’ve always been curious about? Having a weekly activity to attend will expand your social circle and grow your confidence. Some examples could be a gardening club, book club or yoga class.

We are looking forward to the joy and new adventures that come with the New Year. Have an amazing 2023!